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New trends in decoration: Slow design, a form of responsible design


The Slow philosophy has been gaining more and more followers over time, adding value to everything we do, working calmly to ensure that the results of everything we do are spectacular. Slow food, for example, was one of the main trends gaining ground in society, since food prepared with love, care and dedication evokes happy times and incomparable flavours.

This way of thinking also applies to decoration and design, especially after the arrival of Covid-19 to our society. Houses have become real homes, the neuralgic centres of our lives that have acquired such importance that everything we do in them is comfortable, practical and cosy.

Slow Design is the solution to the new normality, and as it is a new trend in design, at Emuca we are going to explain everything you need to know about it so that you can meet the needs of all your clients.

Let’s go!


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What is the new Slow Design trend in interior design?

Slow Design is a relatively new concept and philosophy that highlights the advantages of carrying out any design with patience, time and above all with a more feasible vision of the future.

However, it is not only related to the time invested, but also to the methodology used, the search for references and long-term thinking.

It is not just about design, but about enjoying the whole process while it is being done, this goes both for the professional and the client.

Characteristics of Slow Design

Slow Design is not just about time. The main characteristics of this new decoration trend include the following:

  • Efficiency: Minimising the energy used, the physical resources used, the time wasted and the labour used.
  • Sustainable: sustainability is a priority in today’s society and Slow Design reduces as much as possible the damage and impact of the work on the environment.
  • Durable: the aim is to achieve long-term results, so replacements or repairs are kept to a minimum.
  • Ecological: all products used must be recycled, organic or ecological and, therefore, they do not use toxins that can pollute.

What to consider before creating a Slow Design concept for your projects

Before starting a Slow Design project, you should consider a series of concepts that will help you to achieve it. First of all, we need to empathise with the client, listen to what they want and help them transform their ideas into a Slow Design project. Therefore, create spacious and harmonious ambiences that communicate with each other and that invite relaxation and comfort.

As for the decorative fittings, make sure that they are ecological, durable and efficient. And that the entire process that has led to their manufacture and distribution is completely sustainable and under humane conditions.


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Another essential aspect to create that unique Slow Design atmosphere is to add more concepts that invoke nature, with organic materials and colours that facilitate harmony. It is also essential that the different common areas you design invite conversation, tranquillity and wellbeing.


So now you know! Join the new trends in decoration, use Slow Design, and enjoy every step you take towards the development of your project.

Both your customers’ experience and your own as a professional will be unforgettable, resulting in a unique, incomparable, inimitable project that will be in line with the needs of our world and our society. At Emuca we offer you all the Slow Design fittings you need.

The future is already here, become part of it!

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