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Furniture wheels: why have they become essential?

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As the last few years have passed, it has been visualized that spaces are getting smaller and smaller, and that we spend much more time in them. Therefore, mobile and flexible furniture strategies have gained great popularity today. This is possible thanks to furniture wheels.  Having mobile furniture allows you to optimize the space and easily modify its layout. Thus, you can adapt spaces to multiple needs, which often change today.  The functionality provided by furniture on wheels allows a space to be effective for multiple tasks. In this way, it meets the needs of the members of a household in each particular context.  An area the size of a living room can be converted to a study or exercise space with little effort. On the other hand, those smaller spaces would have the possibility that the furniture can be integrated with others, or positioned on the wall, clearing the area where you want to carry out an activity.  Tables, chairs, seats and other types of furniture when they have wheels provide the facility to reorganize and simplify the cleaning of areas that would be complex without this mobility. 
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What makes furniture wheels essential? 

There are several aspects that answer this question. Previously, furniture on wheels had a greater presence in offices or work spaces, where aesthetics were not a primary aspect. Yes it is in domestic spaces.  Thus, currently aesthetic finishes have changed this trend, balancing its use also in domestic spaces with high aesthetic finishes. In addition, the materials protect the ground, so the drawbacks presented above have been resolved.  The wheels that you can find have different shapes and decorative finishes. This allows it not only to provide functionality, but also a decorative aspect to the furniture, even highlighting the rooms where they are displayed.  In addition, we have compiled the most important advantages that furniture wheels give you. 


The main factor in installing furniture wheels is ease of movement, whatever the rationale. Especially in furniture that can be heavy, bulky or of specific shapes, which would present a difficulty when moving them only with legs. 

Save time 

Time is the most valuable thing we have as people. Because of this, losing it by cleaning or awkwardly rearranging spaces is inconceivable today.  For this, the wheels are offered as an aesthetic solution, which allows any piece of furniture to be moved and reorganized in less time. In addition to the ability to be able to do it by a person, of course. 
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Picking up furniture can take a heavy toll on your body’s health. Heavy or bulky furniture can put a strain on your back. In this sense, the wheels provide support and eliminate the overload of wanting to move your furniture. 

Furniture wheels are resistant 

There are wheels for various pieces of furniture, including those that are heavy. The materials with which they are manufactured today can withstand high loads and remain functional for a long time.  Due to this, it is important that you verify the maximum weight of the wheel, to acquire one according to your needs. With the correct wheels you can place a shelf or a kitchen island on this accessory to optimize space. 

Variety and types of furniture wheels 

There are wheels for every situation. If you are looking for some for light furniture and that their presence is not very noticeable, you can choose them in a fairly small size. There are even systems to keep them hidden!  On the other hand, the materials protect the floor surfaces. Thus, you can buy them made of silicone, plastic, rubber, among other materials that, in addition, do not generate noise. 


If you want the piece of furniture to remain immobile, there are wheels with brakes that allow this function, ensuring that it does not move with the force of use. 

Essential Applications of Furniture Casters 

There are some applications that you cannot miss. And it is that they drastically improve the practicality of your spaces.  One of these cases is presented in the kitchen shelves. Due to its large size, weight and variety of stored elements, the implementation of wheels is essential for its mobilization.  Office, dining room, living room tables, side tables also benefit a lot. By applying wheels, they increase the level of versatility of the spaces, especially if they are large.  If you are looking for furniture wheels, at Emuca you can get a wide variety with excellent finishes. In addition to providing functionality, they stand out and contrast with your furniture, adding to the decoration of the spaces. 

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