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Trends of the hardware and do-it-yourself sector to modernize your business

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The hardware and do-it-yourself sector have been enjoying a good health for many years:  sales are growing at a 5% annual rate, e-commerce is becoming more and more important in this sector and, in general, consumers show a preference for higher quality products.

However, there is still much to do in the digitalization field at hardware and do-it-yourself stores. It is necessary to further elaborate on the digital transformation concept in order to take the great leap that will allow you to modernize your hardware and do-it-yourself business. At Emuca, we want to show you some of the trends and keys to modernize your business and increase your sales.

Sector trends and modernization

Experts think that the most immediate future of the hardware and do-it-yourself sector will be determined by 4 great trends and that the companies with greater capacity to incorporate them into the marketing and operational strategies of their stores and brands will be the market leaders:


  1. Increase in the more expensive and professional products sales. For some time now, the analysis of hardware and do-it-yourself articles sales are detecting a movement towards higher niches, which tends to be accentuated more and more. That is to say, consumers are choosing high quality products, even if they are more expensive, many of them being products of a professional line. In part, this search for quality is explained by the greater value that many are giving to their homes and the wish to have quality renovations made as well as looking after the details at these times in which the sanitary emergency makes us stay at home many more hours.
  2. Integration of the online and offline channels. Online and physical stores sales are obliged to understand each other, supplementing each other, without competing or cannibalizing sales. For the online and offline channels to live in harmony, implementing integration and collaboration strategies between physical stores and their offline channel where sales staff should reinforce their role as advisers and prescribers, is key.
  3. Digital innovation on products. The 5g technology and the internet of things development is speeding up the digitalization of many hardware and do-it-yourself articles, that we will be able to control remotely from our smartphone or tablet.
  4. Recycling and environment protection are asserting themselves. Awareness of the importance of using recycled materials and sustainable and respectful production systems is beginning to gain a strong momentum within this field. In order to support them, manufacturers are going to have to commit to recyclable materials and green and renewable energies to be able to comply with the European guidelines and regulations and with the demands of consumers themselves.


 Digitalization of hardware stores and do-it-yourself centers

To be able to jump on the bandwagon of innovation and the new trends on hardware and do-it-yourself, brands, stores and malls must set in motion bold online sales strategies, based on promotions launched on social media such as Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest, as well as on content marketing campaigns in webs and blogs where they can give visibility to their products in a non-intrusive way and focusing on informing and explaining.

In addition, it is very important and a challenge for companies at the same time, to understand that digitalization is not only a sales campaign on webs and social media, but a complete and comprehensive transformation that covers all procedures, both administrative and of manufacture.

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Tips to modernize your hardware store and increase your sales

Here is our pick of tips that can help you increase sales in your hardware store hand in hand with the modernization of your business.

  1. Develop social media, webs and blogs communication strategies, based on content marketing of informational and explanatory nature.
  2. Implement referral actions for your clients of products complementary to the ones they already have or are going to buy (cross selling), both at physical stores and the digital channels.
  3. Set up online chats and “unpackings” of products.
  4. Make waiting on line for checkout more pleasant with direct sales actions, as personal referrals or promotional videos on a screen.
  5. Implement loyalty campaigns, especially online, through emailing marketing offering promotions, personalized offers, gifts and test products to clients.
  6. Try to know more about the clients’ needs through online and offline surveys.
  7. Organize virtual and face to face training courses on products or do-it-yourself activities so the client can get the most benefit out of his tools or abilities.

Finally, remember that although these tips can help you obtain better business results, the infallible formula for success does not exist. The best formula for a successful business is having a positive attitude and prioritizing innovation. Don’t hesitate and implement these small tips by the Emuca team. Increase sales at your business with us!

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