The environment in which we coexist is a space of finite resources that is increasingly being affected by our human footprint. We all have a responsibility to make an effort to take care of it and give it the respect it deserves. Hence the concept of sustainability at Emuca that we would like to introduce to you.
As society moves forward, the commitment must be greater to reduce deterioration and reverse the footprint that has been left over the years. That is why, as we have grown, we realised the positive impact we could generate through sustainable processes. Today, we are on that path.
Sustainability at Emuca: what it means
The commitment we have made for several years with actions at a business, production and organisational level has led us to reduce the impact we generate and we are getting closer and closer. The challenge is to be sustainable. We are a company with sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. We look to the future in a responsible way, being more aware at all levels of the challenges, and how to meet them. Because we want a healthier planet for everyone.Emuca towards sustainability
The path we are taking towards sustainability is focused on prevention, modifying the company’s different processes in order to reduce the carbon footprint that the company generates globally. To this end, we have implemented a number of practices, which have had a positive impact on sustainability, as detailed below.Waste management and minimisation
At Emuca‘s facilities, we use the services of external suppliers to collect waste generated in the company, from materials such as cardboard, wood, metals, plastics, among others, for their correct treatment. In addition, we minimise the amount of waste generated by designing packaging that uses the minimum percentage of material. So that the product is properly protected during shipment. This means that packages and products weigh as little as necessary and take up little space, which makes transport more efficient.
At Emuca we have been using pallets made entirely of cardboard for several years to make shipping more sustainable. These pallets are much more sustainable to manufacture, more tree-friendly and therefore more environmentally friendly. They are gradually being added to replace wooden pallets completely. It also offers many advantages for us as a company, which are as follows:- As they are cardboard pallets, the raw material used in their manufacture is completely recycled. After it becomes unusable due to deterioration, this material can be used to make other objects or pallets again, which significantly reduces the use of wood in the storage and shipping of our company.
- A pallet of this composition weighs approximately 2 kg with a size of 800×600, while wooden pallets have an average weight of 10 to 15 kg. This undoubtedly has an impact on fuel consumption in transport and on the cost of transport for companies.
- It contains no objects that could cause injury to employees. As it is made of cardboard, it does not require nails, which also saves the cost of iron in its manufacture.
- The material does not require heat or chemical treatments, so it meets international standards and does not require extra paperwork for export.
- In the case of shipment, the pallet can be disposed of in paper containers for proper recycling, after fulfilling its purpose, generating employment.
Digitisation to save paper
With the use of data management technologies, we are committed to using paper only for what is strictly necessary. Everything that can be done through digital archives benefits us all. Paper costs are substantially reduced and business processes are also streamlined in the digital world.Renewal of the vehicle fleet
As the years go by, vehicles become less efficient and more polluting, which generates more emissions and fuel consumption. That is why sustainability at Emuca means that we take care of renewing the vehicle fleet. In this way we reduce our emissions and footprint, even as new vehicles increasingly feature cleaner technologies.