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All about the siphon: how to avoid problems and leaks on a daily basis

salva sifón emuca
If there is an element that cannot be missing in any home, it is the siphon for pipes. If you don’t know what it is, go to the bottom of your faucet: that S-shaped tube is the siphon, and it is found in all the plumbing fixtures in your house.  Its main function is to prevent bad odors from rising through the pipes and that small animals and insects can enter through them.  Siphon care is paramount. If you don’t know how to do it, don’t worry, at Emuca we tell you everything you need to know about the siphon and how to avoid annoying leaks. 
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Types of siphon 

Although it is an element that normally goes unnoticed, it is vital for the drainage system to work correctly throughout the house.  Currently, there are several types of siphon that adapt to the different drains in sinks. In this way, finding the one that best suits your needs is simple. The different types of siphon are: 
  • Individual siphon: it is the most common today. It is called that because its installation is for a single drain. 
  • Double siphon: these are more used in sinks with two sinks or doubles. Its name comes from the fact that it has two conduits, one for each water outlet, and at the end they join in a single system. 
  • Extendable siphon: this type of siphon has an extensible tube that allows it to adapt to different distances or shapes of sinks. 
  • Bottle siphon: it is commonly used in kitchen sinks since its mechanism works by accumulating water in a small tank that is located between the drain and the water outlet. Thus, it prevents the appearance of bad odors caused by the putrefaction of the waste. 
  • Siphon with click clack valve: it is specially designed to be installed in sinks that have click clack drain valves. 
  • Extra-flat siphons: ideal for places with very little space. 
  • S-shaped siphon: it is used when the water outlet of the sink is vertical. 
  • U-shaped siphon – used when the sink drain is installed horizontally. 

Why do siphon leaks occur? 

Has it happened to you that you are washing the dishes or brushing your teeth and you notice a puddle of water near your feet? This is due to a leak in the water siphon. It is one of the most common problems in homes, and can have several causes. The most commons are: 

Neglect or lack of maintenance 

The water siphon is an element that requires periodic maintenance for its correct operation.  This is an element that is in constant use and that is exposed to grease, dirt and other elements that accumulate inside it over time. For this reason, it is necessary that from time to time (depending on the recurrence of its use), a correct cleaning of the pipe is carried out to prevent leaks.  This can be done by opening the siphon and manually removing any contamination that may be inside. On the other hand, pouring a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and hot water every so often can extend the time needed for a deep clean. 

Low quality material 

Most water siphons are made of metal or plastic, the latter being the most widely used due to its low cost.  Unfortunately, it is a material that is not as strong as metal, so mechanical damage is much more common. A small crack is enough to generate a leak, or any sudden movement or impact can cause the joints to disengage or the material to break.  Similarly, if you buy a siphon from an unverified manufacturer, it may come with factory defects, causing water leaks almost immediately. Something that, with Emuca, will not happen to you.  Therefore, to avoid leaks, it is best to purchase quality siphons, preferably metal ones and from certified manufacturers. Similarly, it is important to apply silicone for pipes so that each piece joins the other correctly. 
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Final tips about siphons 

By way of final advice, at Emuca we recommend that you follow the advice that we have mentioned in this article. That is, acquire one made with good quality materials and carry out a periodic cleaning.  In our store you will find siphon savers that will protect your siphon from possible knocks, impacts or sudden movements that could cause its joints to disengage, generating possible leaks.  Visit our digital catalog and find out about the other accessories we have for each space in your home, from the kitchen to the bedrooms. All made with materials that have been evaluated under the strictest quality standards, so they will remain in perfect condition over time. 

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