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The drawer in the minimalist home: trends for 2022

Happiness comes from a tidy house, when everything is in its place it emanates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility very difficult to dissipate. As you already know, the drawer in the minimalist home is key to achieve this.  At Emuca we know it, so in the following article we will tell you what are the trends for 2022 in terms of minimalist drawers. This is a style that has made a stir in recent years and that goes with everything in 2022. If you don’t want to be left behind in terms of style and decoration for next year, stay with us! 

The drawer in the minimalist home: trend in 2022

If you want to achieve a minimalist style in every space of your home, the choice of drawers is key. It is an indispensable storage space that will help you put everything in order so that peace reigns in your home.  The trends for the coming year are simple designs, with straight and pure lines manufactured in noble materials. The idea is to choose wide but shallow drawers to keep everything in sight and within easy reach.  Always making emphasis on avoiding exaggerated ornaments and decorations, simple and light colors are the recommendation in the drawer in the minimalist home. Besides, functionality must take precedence over everything else. 
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What materials to choose for minimalist drawers? 

The materials the drawers are made of are important when choosing them. The best to fit the minimalist style are those made in glass, since they allow you to see what is inside them, serving as decoration at the same time that everything is neatly arranged.   On the other hand, steel and aluminum are highly recommended for spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens thanks to their ease of maintenance and cleaning, giving a neat and elegant appearance.  Finally, the classic wood cannot be missing, depending on how it is painted it goes well with different decorations. The ideal is to opt for natural wood in light colors such as birch, maple or bleached chestnut, or paint it in white or pastel shades. 

How to apply trending drawers in 2022 for home organization? 

For a room to be functional, it must have sufficient space for storage, minimalist decoration is based on object-free spaces. This does not mean that you have to get rid of all your belongings, if you do not want to do so, just sort them properly.  Your best ally in achieving this look will be hidden storage, drawers that blend in with the walls. Those that go behind doors or under stairs are essential tools that will help you keep clutter at bay.  Don’t think twice about adding drawers to more complicated spaces like the bedroom and kitchen. Just choose wisely so that they don’t clash with the minimalist decor. This way, you will make the place look spacious and clean. If you don’t know how, here are a few ideas. 
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A wall-to-wall bench with drawers in the living room 

As mentioned above, functionality is the priority. By placing a bench that runs the length of a wall, you will not only have a space where your visitors can sit. It also functions as storage by giving you plenty of room to store anything that doesn’t fit the style of the room. 

Take advantage of every free space

Don’t you know where to put more drawers but need a place to store different objects? Corridors are an ideal option. They do not have to be simple spaces of passage, give them utility by placing furniture with drawers where you can store what you cannot find a place for. 

Envision new uses! 

You’ve just remodeled your kitchen with a minimalist look but you feel that an appliance as big as a refrigerator would break the whole ambiance you worked so hard to create. But of course, putting it in the garage complicates cooking. Then, installs a refrigerator in a cabinet! You will have everything you need at hand without breaking the aesthetics. 

Chest of drawers instead of nightstand

Don’t waste space on a piece of furniture in which you can’t store items. Utility first, remember. So change that bedside table for a chest of drawers, where you can keep your nightclothes and everything you need close at hand without having to leave it in sight generating clutter. 

Drawer accessories 

If you have enough drawers in your home but you still can’t manage to keep them in order, get yourself accessories to organize them. Cutlery trays for the kitchen, compartments for the bathroom drawers… In our catalog you will see plenty of options that will surely be useful.  At Emuca, we have different models of drawers as well as drawer slides that will facilitate your installation. Just take a look at our website and put into practice the ideas we have given you. 

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